Recipes tagged with #racks
142 recipes

Sous Vide: Butternut Squash Diversified
While sous vide's suitability for protein is well established, the process also brings a surprising vibrancy to winter squash.
Prep: 0:30:00
Cook: 1:00:00

Sous Vide: Beef Marrow Bones, 2020
Whether people-watching on the Champs-Élysées or just enjoying a little time in front of the fireplace, this potent snack is unique!
Prep: 0:30:00
Cook: 1:00:00

Sous-B-Q: Boneless Beef Short Ribs
Boneless short ribs have become more common in markets. Deceptively cut into steak-like strips, this tough cut NEEDS sous vide.
Prep: 0:30:00
Cook: 1:00:00

Sous Vide: Beef Brisket in Four Parts--Part 4: The Aftermath, 2020
This article completes a 4 part series on sous vide beef brisket.
Prep: 0:30:00
Cook: 1:00:00

Sous Vide: Beef Brisket in Four Parts--Part 3: Smoked Flat/Point Hybrid--2020
As the brisket proceeds from the the "flat" towards the "point," we see the muscle group's characteristics slowly change.
Prep: 0:30:00
Cook: 1:00:00

Sous Vide: Beef Brisket in Four Parts--Part 2: the Point End--2020
This recipe highlights the uniquely textured "front end" of the brisket, which is actually two muscles separated by a thick layer of fat.
Prep: 0:30:00
Cook: 1:00:00