Recipes tagged with #racks

142 recipes

Sous Vide: Oregon Lamb Shanks, 2021

Sous Vide: Oregon Lamb Shanks, 2021

Oregon lamb are quite large compared to those from Australia and New Zealand--one shank is large enough to feed 4...

Prep: 0:30:00 Cook: 1:00:00 Medium
Sous Vide: The Beef Chuck Roast Makeover 2021

Sous Vide: The Beef Chuck Roast Makeover 2021

Sous vide transforms the texture of a steer's shoulder to that of a high priced steak. It can also preserve the unique "rare" appearance.

Prep: 0:30:00 Cook: 1:00:00 Medium
Sous Vide: Seared Butternut Squash Steak with Pt. Reyes Blue Cheese

Sous Vide: Seared Butternut Squash Steak with Pt. Reyes Blue Cheese

Sous vide can be used to create unique and interesting effects with winter squash. Butternut squash is favored for its uniform shape.

Prep: 0:30:00 Cook: 1:00:00 Medium