Recipes tagged with #racks

142 recipes

Sous Vide: Hot Smoked Onions

Sous Vide: Hot Smoked Onions

There's a lot to like about sous vide processed onions. For one thing, there are no tears. his recipe create a full flavored side dish.

Prep: 0:30:00 Cook: 1:00:00 Medium
Sous Vide: Marrow Studded Smoked Meat Loaf, the Supermodel

Sous Vide: Marrow Studded Smoked Meat Loaf, the Supermodel

While traditional meat loaf is made even more enjoyable as a result of sous vide processing, this dish can be further upgraded to achieve a complex and vibrant flavor and texture profile.

Prep: 0:30:00 Cook: 1:00:00 Medium
Sous-B-Q™: Tomatoes and Onions

Sous-B-Q™: Tomatoes and Onions

The fusion of sous vide methodology and precisely temperature controlled natural smoke applied to common vegetables creates a uniquely hearty and satisfying salad.

Prep: 0:30:00 Cook: 1:00:00 Medium