Sous Vide: New York Steak/Striploin--2020

Less familiar than the neighboring filet mignon and leaner than the popular rib eye steak, market forces make the strip loin a bargain.
Serves 2
Level of difficulty--2 out of 4!
Strip loin steak, 1 each 20 oz/560 g or 2 each, 10 oz/ 280 g each.
Salt, Kosher, 1-2 teaspoons.
Black pepper, to taste.
Vegetable oil, a few drops.
Butter, unsalted, 2 oz/56 g.
Equipment requirements
Immersion circulator, portable or stationary.
Heat rated container, minimum of 2 gallons/8 liters.
Heat rated sous vide bags or Ziploc freezer bags (Foodsaver, etc.)
Channel or chamber vacuum device--unnecessary if you use Ziploc freezer bags.
Standard home stove.
Thick bottomed skillet large enough to accommodate your steaks.
Infrared thermometer (optional).
Serves 1-2 Level of difficulty: 2.25
Selecting your steaks:
Beef strip loin steaks go by many nicknames, including New York, Kansas City, Entrecote (a misnomer), and others. The shape of the steak is distinctive enough that the confusing assortment of names is not usually a problem. In generic terms, this primal cut extends from about half way down the spine of the animal and ends just before the rump/leg area. These cuts are frequently available whole in some "big box" stores, and with a little trimming can offer some savings to the customer. Pictured whole, the visible end below is the section closest to the hip, and is generally considered less desirable because of the presence of more gristle.

Stage the steak(s) in single layers into dedicated vacuum bags. If you want to use self sealing plastic bags, remove the air from the bag using the water displacement method.How do you like your steak?
The appearance of doneness can be increased (but not reversed) after the sous vide processing step by extending the duration of the searing stage explained below. There is debate as to the exact definition of "rare," "medium rare," "Ã point," etc. A little practice will help you learn just exactly what temperature achieves your preferred appearance of doneness. Here are some basic temperature setting guidelines: Rare: 129 F/54 C. Medium rare: 135 F/57 C Medium: 140 F/60 C. Medium well: 145 F/63 C. Well done: 150 F/66 C. Preheat the water in your sous vide bath to the temperature that most closely matches your preference. Process the steaks for a minimum of 2 hours. If you want your steak fully pasteurized, allow 4 hours. If you want to process more than one steak at different degrees of doneness, click HERE. For enthusiasts who like their steaks extremely rare, steaks can be processed at temperatures as low as 122F /50 C; HOWEVER, in this case the steaks will not achieve pasteurization, so the processing time MUST be limited to TWO HOURS in order to meet USDA standards of food safety. The steaks should then be consumed immediately, just as one would if sous vide were not being utilized. Let sous vide timing work for you! The rate of collagen conversion in the sous vide range of temperatures is very gradual. The difference in texture and appearance between a steak processed for 2 hours and a steak processed for 8 hours is negligible, if detectable at all. Some people want to start their steaks when they get home from work, so the 2+ hour interval is convenient for them. Others would rather get started in the morning before they leave for work so that the steaks are ready for finishing when they get home. Both approaches are favorable!Finishing:

Norm King