Sous Vide: Filet Mignon, Mille-Feuille Potatoes

This steak is usually the most favored in restaurants . The application of sous vide creates amazing, restaurant eclipsing results!
Beef tenderloin steak--typically 9 oz/280 g.
Butter, 1 oz/28 g.
Kosher salt, 1 tsp.
Ground black pepper, a pinch.
Stovetop Espagnole Sauce, 1 oz., or, an instant proprietary brand of demi-glace, like Knorr.
Mille-feuilles potatoes, linked HERE
Mushrooms, 2 each.
Carrots, 1 each, cut into bite sized pieces and cooked in salted water until tender.
Peas, 1 oz/28 g.
Sage, fresh, a few leaves, deep fried at 350 f/176 C until they stop bubbling. Remove and drain.
Hawaiian volcanic salt, a sprinkle.
Bitter baby greens, (kale, spinach, arugula, chard, etc.) 1 oz/30 g.--sprinkle with a pinch of salt, wrap in a paper towel and vacuum. This cures the greens and protects their color.
Cream, 2 oz/50 ml.
Butter, 1 oz/25 ml.
Salt and pepper to taste.
Equipment requirements
Immersion circulator, portable or stationary.
Heat rated container, minimum of 2 gallons/8 liters.
Heat rated sous vide bags.
Channel or chamber vacuum device
12"/300 mm skillet.
Propane torch (optional).
How do you like your Filet?
There is debate as to the exact definition of "rare," "medium rare," "au point," etc. A little practice will help you learn just exactly what temperature achieves your preferred appearance of doneness. Here are some basic temperature setting guidelines: Rare: 129 F/54 C. Medium rare: 135 F/57 C Medium: 140 F/60 C. Medium well: 150 F/66 C. Well done: 165 F/74 C.Serves 1 Level of difficulty: 2.75
Set the sous vide bath to the temperature that most closely matches your preference. Most chefs try to arrive at an internal temperature of approximately 129 F/54 C. This is much easier to do using sous vide than by conventional methods. Stage each filet into a dedicated vacuum bag. Seal and sous vide process at the temperature best suited to your preferences for a minimum of two hours. If you want to process several steaks at different degrees of apparent doneness, visit HERE. For enthusiasts who like their steaks extremely rare, they can be processed at temperatures as low as 122F /50 C; However, in this case the steaks will not achieve pasteurization, so the processing time MUST be limited to 2 HOURS in order to meet USDA standards of food safety. The steaks should then be served immediately, just as one would if sous vide were not being utilized. Once your filet(s) are processed, you can season, sear and serve right away if you so prefer. I recommend letting them sit at room temperature for no more than 15 minutes so the surface can cool off a little. This prevents the internal temperature of the steak from exceeding the original target temperature. If you would like to serve the more elaborate presentation displayed in this recipe, be sure to read the next steps BEFORE you process the steaks.Finishing and Presentation: