Recipes tagged with #poultry

25 recipes

Sous Vide: Classic Velouté Sauce

Sous Vide: Classic Velouté Sauce

Veloute is no longer in as widespread use as it was decades ago. Modern chefs have moved away somewhat from starch thickened sauces, opting for lighter and sparser fare. In spite of this, understanding the mechanics of the classic thickened bouillon is essential for anyone interested in sauce making in general.

Prep: 0:30:00 Cook: 1:00:00 Medium
Potatosotto, Sous Vide

Potatosotto, Sous Vide

I saw this dish on a menu description years ago, and it was intriguing--until I saw how they actually made it, and how it came out. I don't know how they got the idea of calling it potato risotto, because it was really just diced potatoes boiled in cream until they fell apart. This is a classic case of contrivance outweighing accurate descriptions.

Prep: 0:30:00 Cook: 1:00:00 Medium