Sous Vide: Pork Loin Chops, Pan Fried

Sous Vide: Pork Loin Chops, Pan Fried


Sous vide tenderizes your pork chops with a minimum amount of moisture loss, preserving them for finalization at your leisure.


Pork loin chops, two each, approximately 8 oz/225 g each.
Seasonings as needed not to exceed 2 teaspoons of salt per lb./450 g of meat.
Powdered egg white, as needed, or one fresh egg white mixed well with 1 oz/30 ml of water.
Fine bread crumbs, 2 cups/ 250 g.
Vegetable oil, 3 oz/75 ml.
Sous vide brown gravy linked here. For convenience, packaged versions can be substituted.
Equipment requirements:
Immersion circulator.
Lipavi C10 heat rated container with lid.
Lipavi L10 rack or equivalent.
Heat rated sous vide bags.
Paper towels.
Dredge/shaker (for the powdered egg white).
Spray bottle (for water).
Flat bottomed skillet, 12"/30 cm.


Above: Lipavi C10 container, N10 polycarbonate racks. Lipavi C10L-UNIR lid.

Actual prep time: 1 hour Serves 2 Level of difficulty: 2

Above: something to look forward to!


Stage the pork chop(s) into heat rated sous vide bags and vacuum seal. Sous vide process the pork chops at 135F/57C for 4 hours. Cold shock the packages in iced tap water until they achieve 70 F/21 C. Proceed to the breading step or store refrigerated at 40 F/4 C (up to two weeks) until time/day of service. Remove chops from bag and pat very dry with a paper towel. If there is a significant amount of juices in the pouch, clarify them according to the process explained HERE. Lay the chops out on parchment or butcher paper. Sift powdered egg whites over the pork chops. Fresh beaten egg white mixed well with water can also be used. Powdered egg whites are very convenient, wholesome and inexpensive. A spray bottle filled with water does an excellent job of moistening the powdered egg whites--not necessary if you use fresh! Sprinkle with your favorite seasonings, or one from our list of assorted recipes, linked HERE. In the picture, we used our Recipe #3 without the cayenne pepper. Sprinkle generously with bread crumbs. Turn the chops over. Repeat the egg white/seasoning/crumb procedure. Allowing the chops to rest for 15 minutes gives the coating time to cling securely. Heat the skillet on medium--approximately 250 F/121 C. Add enough vegetable oil to thoroughly cover the bottom of the pan. Carefully lay the chops in the pan without crowding. Make sure there is at least 2"/6 cm between the chops. Fry until brown on one side--usually about 3 minutes. Use tongs to grab the bone and gently turn them over. Finish browning on the other side. Internal temperature should be at least 125 F/52 C. If the pork chops are extra thick, they can be staged into a preheated oven at 350 F/176 C for ten minutes to remove the pink where the bones were cut. Since the pork chops are sous vide pasteurized, the appearance of doneness can retain a bit of pink and still be safe. Most people prefer the pale white/gray hue, no shame in that. That's the way I like it too! Red wine cabbage prepared by traditional means. Sous vide processed sweet potato,183 F/84 C for about 45 minutes before carving. Tossed with butter and maple syrup. Enjoy!


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