Sous Vide: Pacific Halibut

Fin and flat fish are sous vide processed less frequently than other proteins. Even so, sous vide processing of fish has benefits.
Halibut, fresh, skin-on, 2 pieces, 7 oz/190 g each.
Vinegar, white distilled, 2 oz/60 ml.
Halibut stock
Existing sous jus from any protein (or water), 2 cups/450 ml.
Halibut or fish bones, 1 lb/450 g.
Carrots, 2 each.
Celery, 3 stalks.
Onions, 1 each.
Sous Jus, butter sauce:
Halibut stock, 2 oz/60 ml.
Butter, cold, 7 oz/190 g.
Kosher salt, 2 teaspoons.
Lemon juice, 1 Tablespoon.
Gelatin powder, 0.5 teaspoon.
Sodium alginate, 0.25 teaspoon (optional).
Frank's Red Hot Sauce (pepper vinegar), 1 oz.
Potatoes, red, 1-2 each.
Lemons, 1 each.
Grape tomatoes, 3 each.
Capers, approximately 20 each.
Parsley, fresh, chopped, 3 Tablespoons.
Equipment requirements
Immersion circulator, portable or stationary.
Heat rated container, minimum of 2 gallons/8 liters.
Lipavi L10 rack or larger.
Heat rated sous vide bags.
Ziploc gallon freezer bags.
Thick bottomed skillet, approximately 12"/35 cm.
Steak weight/bacon press.
Sauce pot, minimum 2 qt/2 liter.
2 cup/0.5 liter measuring cup.
Microwave oven.
Stick blender.
Squirt bottle.
Dreams and wishes
We hope you benefit from this recipe/treatise as much as we enjoyed creating it. Make sure you scroll all the way to the prologue after the main body so that you can take in some halibut canapes that we made after we finished the main shoot. Those of you familiar with my work know that I take a dim view of the term "leftovers," because it implies that you are serving food that should have been consumed the day before. If that definition were applied to all foods, we would be eating nothing BUT leftovers!Prologue to the epilogue
Halibut, mousseline, capers, crispy skin, grape tomatoes, baguette crostini...
Serves 2 Level of difficulty 3

Preheat the sous vide bath to 183 F/84 C. Stage the fish bones, carrots. celery and onions into a Ziploc gallon freezer bag. Add the 2 cups/450 ml sous jus (or water) to the bag but do not seal. Pinch the opening with your fingers and allow the Ziploc bag to slowly sink in the bath. Drape the sealing edge over the lip of the vessel. Hold in place with the lid.

Making the most of skin
While you wait for the stock, use a long sharp knife to remove the skin from the halibut. Dip a paper towel in oil and lubricate the surface of the cold skillet. Lay the skin face down in the pan and put the steak weight or the sauce pot on top to keep it from curling up. Put the skillet on the burner and use medium heat to achieve approximately 250 F/121 C. Listen for sizzling, which will then fade somewhat as the moisture in the skin dissipates. Check the skin to make sure it is crisp, turn over and apply the weight for a few seconds. Remove from the pan. Turn off the pan, but do not wash. Cut the skin into small uniform squares. Set aside.

Now that we've settled that
Remove the cup from the microwave oven and set on a counter. You will see gelatin and alginate floating on the top--that is expected. Insert the stick blender ALL THE WAY TO THE BOTTOM of the cup--do not lift up under any circumstances. Pulse the stick blender until the butter on top has been pulled into the stock and lemon juice below. Stage into the squirt bottle and set aside.You want me to WHAT?
Note: at first,this next step may seem to contradict the basic principles of sous vide. Typically, sous vide utilizes low temperatures to tenderize proteins and to minimize shrinkage and moisture loss. In the case of fish, tenderization is rarely an issue--in fact, care must be taken to avoid causing the protein to disassemble through overcooking. Similarly, shrinkage and moisture loss in fish is barely detectable unless the fish is cooked too LONG. For this reason, we used a temperature so high that it is rarely applied in sous vide except to vegetables and starches who will not denature without it. The hope is that the high temperature and the acetic acid in the bag will actually cause the fish proteins to "clinch" rather than to disintegrate. One way or the other, the fish should not need more than 10-15 minutes to achieve flaking doneness.The suspense mounts

Bon voyage!
Norm King
Just a few treats to avoid making a full on Sunday meal.