Sous Vide: "Air-Fried" Chicken Dark Meat

You don't need an air fryer to achieve air fryer results! More a method than a device, air circulation around an oiled surface is the key!
Chicken--legs, thighs, wings, approximately 2 lbs./1 Kg.
Powdered egg white, 2 Tablespoons or 2 fresh egg whites mixed well with 2 oz/60 ml. water.
Desired seasonings or one of our dedicated recipes linked HERE.
Milk, 0.5 cups/125 ml.
Flour, approximately 1.5 cups/225 g.
Baking powder, 1 Tablespoon.
Equipment requirements
Immersion circulator, portable or stationary.
Lipavi container, minimum of 2 gallons/8 liters.
Lipavi racks, or equivalent.
Heat rated sous vide bags.
Channel or chamber vacuum device.
Cookie sheet/sheet pan, generic with screen (optional).

Actual prep time: 90 minutes Serves 2 Level of difficulty 2.5

Preheat your sous vide bath to 135 F/56 C. Vacuum seal the chicken pieces in single layers in heat rated plastic bags. Sous vide process the packages for 5 hours.
Day of service