Sous Vide: Oregon Lamb Shanks, 2021

Oregon lamb are quite large compared to those from Australia and New Zealand--one shank is large enough to feed 4...
Oregon lamb shank, sliced into four portions, 1 each/person.
Powdered egg white, as needed.
Favored seasoning blend, your own or one of ours.
Vegetable oil, a few drops.
Optional components:
Barley, dried, about 1 oz/30 g/person.
Butter, 0.5 oz/15 g/person.
Clarified sous jus, as explained below, 0.5 oz/15 ml/person.
Cream, 0.5 oz/15 ml/person.
Fresh thyme, as needed.
Grape tomatoes, assorted, as needed.
Extra virgin olive oil, a few drops.
Espagnole or the equivalent, a drizzle.
Equipment requirements
Immersion circulator, portable or stationary.
Heat rated Lipavi container, minimum of 2 gallons/8 liters.
Lipavi L10 rack or larger.
Heat rated sous vide bags.
Thick bottomed skillet, approximately 12"/35 cm.
Infrared thermometer.

Actual prep time, 1 hour Serves 1 slice/person Level of difficulty 3.0

Arrange the shanks on parchment. Make sure the hole in the bone is facing up. 

Day of service