Recipes tagged with #vegetables
4 recipes

Sous Vide: Brick chicken "al mattone"
There is no actual need to Italianize this dish…the name “Brick Chicken†has its own alliterative cachet.
Prep: 0:30:00
Cook: 1:00:00

Sous Vide Cob Corn: a slightly different approach
This recipe is controversial in that the kernels of corn are intentionally punctured before processing.
Prep: 0:30:00
Cook: 1:00:00

Cold Cured Kale, Sous Vide
Sous vide is not only useful as a process involving the application of heat.
Prep: 0:30:00
Cook: 1:00:00

Crispy Asparagus Zest
Crispy Asparagus Zest is a novelty garnish used to add altitude and pop to almost any presentation.
Prep: 0:30:00
Cook: 1:00:00