Recipes tagged with #tomatoes
30 recipes

Sous Vide: Beef Chuck Roast, Natural Pan Sauce 2021 and Forever After
Among the hardest working muscles on a steer/heifer, this collagen laden cut is no match for the tenderizing capabilities of sous vide.

Sous vide: Rib Eye Steaks for 4 and MORE--Option #2, Deferred Service--2020
This technique offers the option of serving perfectly cooked steaks at a moment's notice--today, tomorrow, or two weeks from now.

Sous Vide: Advance Seared Beef Short Ribs
Pre-searing renders a small amount of surface fat and flavors the juices, which can then be used to create a lacquer for the ribs.

Sous Vide: Pacific Halibut
Fin and flat fish are sous vide processed less frequently than other proteins. Even so, sous vide processing of fish has benefits.

Sous Vide: Octopus, Mediterranean Style
This recipe couples octopus with a Mediterranean style relish. We provide two adaptations, one with angel hair pasta and one as a canapé.

Sous Vide: The Well Trimmed Beef Brisket, 2020
As sous vide's popularity grows, so does the number of traditional items that benefit from the technology.