Recipes tagged with #tenderness
74 recipes

Sous Vide: Air-Roasted Chicken Breast (skin-on)
How can something so simple be so good? Sous vide adds an extra layer of safety to fresh chicken while preserving natural moisture.
Prep: 0:30:00
Cook: 1:00:00

Sous Vide: STEAKS: Choosing, Preparing, Seasoning and Searing
Since filets, rib eyes and New York strips are inherently tender, sous vide preparation of these cuts is prompt and almost effortless.
Prep: 0:30:00
Cook: 1:00:00

Sous Vide: Beef Short Ribs, Flanken Cut
Thin sliced "Flanken" ribs are commonly quick grilled for Korean "Kalbi," but sous vide creates a product that is more moist and tender.
Prep: 0:30:00
Cook: 1:00:00

Sous Vide: Pan Seared Breast of Magret Duck (Moulard)--2020
Fat duck breasts are finally appearing in American restaurants. Most people are still unfamiliar and surprised to see pink flesh.
Prep: 0:30:00
Cook: 1:00:00

Sous-B-Q: Center Cut Pork Loin Roast--2021
This cut benefits greatly from the moisture preserving characteristics of sous vide processing.
Prep: 0:30:00
Cook: 1:00:00

Sous-B-Q: Smoked Turkey Breast, 2021
The synergy of sous vide processing and hot smoking creates results unachievable by any other method.
Prep: 0:30:00
Cook: 1:00:00