Recipes tagged with #racks
142 recipes

Sous Vide: Boneless Prime Ribs of Beef
Few dishes are more desirable for special occasions than prime rib. Sous vide allows the home enthusiast to achieve professional results.

Sous-B-Q: Smoked Beef Tri Tip
This popular cut trades competitive pricing for the tendency to be "chewy." Sous vide tenderization creates amazing value and quality.

Sous Vide: Beef Tenderloin Roast; How To Coordinate Multiple Sous Vide Projects
An alternative to processing individual steaks; we also explain how to utilize multiple temperatures in a single sous vide project.

Sous Vide: Chicken Cacciatore
Chicken Cacciatore is a familiar and easily identifiable dish. It appears anywhere from fine restaurants to Sunday dinner at home.

Sous Vide: Filet Mignon, Mille-Feuille Potatoes
This steak is usually the most favored in restaurants . The application of sous vide creates amazing, restaurant eclipsing results!

Sous Vide: Pasteurized Beef Carpaccio
Carpaccio is a raw beef dish named after an Italian artist enamored of vivid red shadings. Sous vide pasteurization adds a layer of safety.