Recipes tagged with #Norm
105 recipes
Sous Vide: Beef Chuck Roast "Steak"--2020
What was once relegated to the pot roast/stew heap can now achieve the color and texture of the high priced entrees.
Sous Vide: Prime Rib Bones (dem bones, back bones, beef bones, etc.)--2020
Beef ribs are becoming a more popular application of sous vide processing, with minimized shrinkage and unique results.
Sous-B-Q: Hot Smoked Pork Butt (Shoulder): Sliced Roast or Seared Steaks
The term "pork butt" can be confusing until we realize that "butts" were cask like barrels traditionally used to transport pork--and whisky.
Sous Vide: Advance Seared Beef Short Ribs
Pre-searing renders a small amount of surface fat and flavors the juices, which can then be used to create a lacquer for the ribs.
Sous Vide: Utilizing Beef Tenderloin--2020
Big box stores proved that people will butcher their own meat in order to take advantage of reduced pricing. Here's a way to avoid waste.
Sous-B-Q: Dry Rub Pork Spare Ribs
Pork spare ribs have become one of the most popular synergies of sous vide processing and traditional rustic culinary styles.