Recipes tagged with #lipavi
195 recipes
Sous Vide: Dashi-Nori Seared Pork Belly
Bacon is called "bacon" to insulate us from the squeamishness caused by the term "pork belly." Anatomically, the two items are identical!
Sous Vide: Sodium Free Rub #2A, East Meats East
This unique blend of aromas marries elements of Indian Garam Masala with the umami rich flavor profiles common to Japan and China.
Sous Vide: Stuffed Chicken Thighs
Stuffed entrees are festive and visually appealing, but tend to be labor intensive. Vacuum processing can be used to ease the burden.
Sous Vide: Post Process Seasonings and Rubs: Lipavi Rub #2--"The Night Tripper"
A custom assortment of complementary/contrasting aromas adds flavor and eye appeal to your perfectly cooked sous vide proteins.
Sous-B-Q: Chicken Breasts "Noridashitaki"
The combination of sous vide technology and outdoor smoking makes the most of each method's many benefits.
Sous Vide: Octopus, Mediterranean Style
This recipe couples octopus with a Mediterranean style relish. We provide two adaptations, one with angel hair pasta and one as a canapé.