Recipes tagged with #eggs
26 recipes

Sous Vide: Pork Shoulder Cutlets--2021
Sous vide processing streamlines this classic old-fashioned dish by eliminating the necessity of "pounding" the meat to achieve tenderness.

Sous Vide: Breast of Chicken Parmesan (alla Parmigiana)
The debatable origin of this popular dish falls by the wayside as sous vide makes the perfection of its preparation simple.

Sous Vide: Bacon Wrapped Top Sirloin
Beef top sirloin requires more tenderization than premium cuts and sous vide is the best way to do it!

Sous Vide: Pork Cutlet "Tonkatsu"
The humble cutlet is truly global. Unlike most Western dishes, the crispy crusted, coffee shop standby has infiltrated the Pacific Rim!

Sous Vide: Tonkatsumaki; Sushi Roll with Crispy Pork Cutlet
You wouldn't think sous vide had much in common with Japanese boutique cuisine, but the devotion to precision and freshness is mutual.

Sous Vide: Smoked Corned Beef, Pastrami Style, 2020
Pastrami combines the dense flavor and texture of beef brisket with the complex and vibrant sensation of a host of spices.