Recipes tagged with #crunchy
65 recipes

Sous-B-Q: Smoked Pork Belly
Smoking fresh pork belly creates a versatile flavor profile quite different than that of the cured product commonly known as "bacon."

Sous Vide: "Air-Fried" Chicken Dark Meat
You don't need an air fryer to achieve air fryer results! More a method than a device, air circulation around an oiled surface is the key!

Sous Vide: Party (Chicken) Wings, Un-Fried!
Deep frying at home can be daunting, messy and wasteful. This alternative method liberates the enthusiast while satisfying the cravings.

Sous Vide: Beef Short Ribs, Flanken Cut
Thin sliced "Flanken" ribs are commonly quick grilled for Korean "Kalbi," but sous vide creates a product that is more moist and tender.

Sous Vide: Beef Marrow Bones, 2020
Whether people-watching on the Champs-Élysées or just enjoying a little time in front of the fireplace, this potent snack is unique!

Sous Vide: Pan Seared Breast of Magret Duck (Moulard)--2020
Fat duck breasts are finally appearing in American restaurants. Most people are still unfamiliar and surprised to see pink flesh.