Recipes tagged with #crumbs
13 recipes

Sous Vide: Pork Shoulder Cutlets--2021
Sous vide processing streamlines this classic old-fashioned dish by eliminating the necessity of "pounding" the meat to achieve tenderness.

Sous Vide: Breast of Chicken Parmesan (alla Parmigiana)
The debatable origin of this popular dish falls by the wayside as sous vide makes the perfection of its preparation simple.

Sous Vide: Pork Cutlet "Tonkatsu"
The humble cutlet is truly global. Unlike most Western dishes, the crispy crusted, coffee shop standby has infiltrated the Pacific Rim!

Smoked Corned Beef Brisket Steaks (Pastrami Style)
This recipe starts with uncooked, (cured) corned beef, which can be purchased in most markets. After sous vide pasteurization for the appointed duration, it is fully tenderized. It is then cold shocked, rubbed with a pastrami type seasoning and smoked in our pellet grill.

Sous Vide: Chuck Eye Chicken Fried Steak
This variation of a classic breaded veal cutlet was always plagued by the risk of toughness. Sous vide tenderization eliminates the threat.

Sous-B-Q: Citrus Glazed Chicken Wings
Entire restaurant chains devote themselves to the classic pub "snack." This recipe brings a Cajun/Asian twist to back yard smoking.