Recipes tagged with #capers
5 recipes

Sous Vide: Pasteurized Steak Tartare--2020
Sous vide pasteurization adds a reassuring layer of safety to this exotic dish whose popularity dates back to the 19th century.
Prep: 0:30:00
Cook: 1:00:00

Sous Vide: Octopus, Mediterranean Style
This recipe couples octopus with a Mediterranean style relish. We provide two adaptations, one with angel hair pasta and one as a canapé.
Prep: 0:30:00
Cook: 1:00:00

Sous Vide: Trout, Whole
Traditional "truite" au bleu utilizes live trout, not usually available in the local market. This recipe evokes the original concept.
Prep: 0:30:00
Cook: 1:00:00

Sous Vide: Pasteurized Beef Carpaccio
Carpaccio is a raw beef dish named after an Italian artist enamored of vivid red shadings. Sous vide pasteurization adds a layer of safety.
Prep: 0:30:00
Cook: 1:00:00

Sous Vide Celery Remoulade
Remoulade sauce and its uncle, Tartar sauce are typically served with deep fried fish or shellfish.
Prep: 0:30:00
Cook: 1:00:00