Recipes tagged with #Anova
115 recipes

Sous Vide: Beef Top Round "London Broil"
Top round is deceptively marketed as being tender if seared quickly and sliced thin on the bias--sous vide processing validates the claim.

Sous Vide: Chicken Thighs with Red Wine Sauce and Mushrooms
Relegating the unassuming dark meat to the kids' menu while adults eat "gourmet" entrées is a culinary paradox. Thighs have much to offer.

Sous Vide: Grindhouse Top Sirloin Steak
Judicious sous vide tenderization improves the texture of this cut without sacrificing its rosy appearance of doneness.

Sous Vide: Pears Poached in Red Wine
Sous vide is not just about proteins and starches. It also lends its precision to poaching apples. and, in this case, pears.

Sous Vide: Air-Roasted Chicken Breast (skin-on)
How can something so simple be so good? Sous vide adds an extra layer of safety to fresh chicken while preserving natural moisture.

Sous Vide: "Air-Fried" Chicken Dark Meat
You don't need an air fryer to achieve air fryer results! More a method than a device, air circulation around an oiled surface is the key!