Recipes tagged with #60C
52 recipes
Sous Vide: Pan Seared Pork Chops
For the home cook, timing is frequently an obstacle. This recipe shows how sous vide can help you to avoid last minute scurrying.
Sous Vide: Buttermilk Fried Chicken--2020
Never again will your home made fried chicken be pink on the bone. Never again will the white meat be dry.
Sous Vide: Stall-proofed Smoked Beef Brisket; No Texas Crutch Required
During the smoking process, beef briskets' internal temperature can stall at approximately 150 F. Can sous vide replace the Texas Crutch?
Sous Vide: Pork Spare Ribs, Star Anise Rub, Dark Side Butter
Anise, Ginger, Cinnamon, and Tamarind provide identity for this Asian/Tandoori influenced dish. An emulsified tamarind sauce westernizes!
Sous-B-Q™: Black Pepper Cured Magret Breast
Magret duck breasts have grown in popularity and can be treated similarly to beef or even pork--cured, for example.
Sous Vide Cheeseburgers in the Pellet Grill!
In our first burger recipe installment, we showed how ground beef patties cooked sous vide made perfection easily achievable. Determination of safety becomes a foregone conclusion. The patty comes out of the tank cooked to a precise appearance of doneness. This subsequent treatment demonstrates how to introduce natural smoke into the equation.