Recipes tagged with #53C
30 recipes
Sous Vide: Preparing a Whole Pork Loin for Sous Vide Processing--2020
Big box stores offer discounted primal cuts of meat, among them whole pork loins. This article explains how to make the most of the savings.
Sous vide: Rib Eye Steaks for 4 or MORE--Option #1, Immediate Service--2020
Serving sous vide steaks at your next party? Or do you just happen to be in possession of a large piece? Try this!
Sous vide: Rib Eye Steaks for 4 and MORE--Option #2, Deferred Service--2020
This technique offers the option of serving perfectly cooked steaks at a moment's notice--today, tomorrow, or two weeks from now.
Sous-B-Q: Beef Strip Loin Roast, "Nerve End"--2020
While derived from an inherently tender primal cut, the New York nerve/vein end is extremely gristly and requires special treatment.
Sous Vide: Beef Chuck Roast "Steak"--2020
What was once relegated to the pot roast/stew heap can now achieve the color and texture of the high priced entrees.
Sous Vide: Smoked Sirloin Cap, Skewered Peppers and Mushrooms
This recipe utilizes the same cut of beef as the recently popularized Brazilian Rodizio steak called "Picanha."