Sous Vide: Trout, Whole

Traditional "truite" au bleu utilizes live trout, not usually available in the local market. This recipe evokes the original concept.
Level of difficulty: 2.0
Fresh trout, each, 12-20 oz/325-600 g.
Butter sauce, 1.5 oz/45 g.
Parsley, chopped, as needed, approximately 1 Tablespoon.
Equipment requirements
Immersion circulator, portable or stationary.
Heat rated container, long enough to accommodate a whole trout.
Heat rated sous vide bags.
Channel or chamber vacuum device.
Tablespoon for boning the fish--no professional server leaves home without one!
Preheat the sous vide bath to 183 F/84 C. Make the butter sauce as explained HERE. Use a funnel to pour the sauce into a plastic squirt bottle or goose neck. Set aside and keep warm. Stage the individual trout into a dedicated vacuum bag. Heat a large plate in the oven to approximately 170 F/80 C.