Sous Vide: Stuffed Chicken Thighs

Stuffed entrees are festive and visually appealing, but tend to be labor intensive. Vacuum processing can be used to ease the burden.
Boneless chicken thighs, skin-on, 4 each--approximately 24 oz/675 g.
Powdered egg whites, as needed, or fresh egg whites, 1 each.
Uncooked sausage, breakfast type, Italian sweet or your preference, 4 oz/120 g.
Carrots, 1 each, peeled.
Celery, 2 stalks.
Parsley, chopped, 4 tablespoons, divided in half.
Optional components:
Marmalade infused sweet potato
Sweet potatoes, 1 each, sous vide processed at 183 F/54 C for 1 hour.
Unsalted butter, 1 oz/30 g.
Orange marmalade, 1 oz/30 g.
Maple syrup, 1 oz/30 g.
Kosher salt, to taste, approximately 1 teaspoon.
Cherry tomatoes, 6 each, halved.
Extra virgin olive oil, 1 oz/30 ml.
Chopped parsley, as needed.
Salt and pepper, as needed.
Equipment requirements
Immersion circulator, portable or stationary.
Heat rated sous vide bags.
Channel or chamber vacuum device.
Kitchenaid type mixer (optional).
Round Ring Molds, 4" D x 0.75"H, or similar, 4 each..
Plastic wrap.
Standard kitchen oven.

Actual prep time, 90 minutes Serves 4 Level of difficulty: 3.25
Preheat the sous vide bath to 132 F/56 C
Cut the carrots and celery lengthwise into small strips, approximately 1"/2.5 cm long. Strips assure the vegetables' visibility when you slice the chicken later. Bring 1 qt./1 liter water to an actual, furious boil. Add the carrots and celery, return to boil for 30 seconds and then strain. Submerge the vegetables in cold tap water to stop the cooking process and drain well. Combine the sausage, carrots, celery and parsley in a bowl. Mix well. Refrigerate until you are ready to proceed.Stuffing the chicken
Lay a sheet of plastic wrap on a steady work surface that will not vibrate from the impact of the meat mallet. Lay the thigh on the plastic skin side down. Spray/drizzle lightly with oil and put another sheet of plastic on top. The oil prevents the plastic from sticking to the chicken. It also protects your walls and apron from being splattered with tiny particles of meat. Plastic wrap can be infuriating, but it is very useful.