Sous Vide Skirt Steak (bavette d'aloyau), 3 Applications

This is beef "inside" skirt. It is also called "Bavette," but even the French have more than one steak called "Bavette."
Beef Skirt Steak, 2.2 lb./1Kg
Model #1:
Biscuits. You can use your own, or you can use my recipe HERE (stop before you make the biscuit béchamel).
B2 sauce, or your favorite steak sauce.
Model #2
Skirt steak (see above)
Egg white, one ea.
Whole egg, one ea.
Express Rub-combine all ingredients
Kosher salt, 1/2 cup/120 ml
Ground Black Pepper, 1Tbsp/15 ml.
Paprika, 1 Tablespoon/15 ml.
Sugar, 1 Tablespoon/15 ml.
Oregano, 1 Tablespoon/15 ml.
Fennel, 1 Tablespoon/15 ml.
Coriander, 1 Tablespoon/15/ml.
Allspice, 1 Tablespoon/15/ml.
Ginger, 1 Tablespoon/15/ml.
Purgecue Emulsion:
Your favorite steak sauce may also be substituted!
Clarified sous-jus from the pouch, 1 cup/240 ml.
Ketchup, 1/4 cup/60 ml.
Sugar, 1 oz./30 ml.
1 oz. OR Worcestershire sauce, 2 oz.
White Vinegar, 1 oz./30 ml.
S+P or a pinch of the rub.
Butter, 2 oz./60 g.
(blend all ingredients)
Model #3
Skirt Steak (see above).
Cherries, or available fresh fruit, as needed
Mustard, Dijon or your preference, as needed.
Extra Virgin Oil Blended with fresh available herbs--I used Chervil, but Parsley, Tarragon, even Cilantro!
Equipment requirements
Immersion circulator, portable or stationary.
Heat rated container, minimum of 2 gallons/8 liters.
Heat rated sous vide bags.
Flat bottomed skillet, approximately 12″/30 cm. and 3″/90 mm deep.
Mandolin or mechanical slicer.
Silicone baking mat or non stick skillet.
Wooden spoon.
Wire whisk.
Infrared or probe thermometer.
About Trimming Fat
Model #1 Pan Seared Skirt Steak, Buttered Biscuit, B2 Express
After processing, the steak is removed from the bag, and sprinkled with salt and pepper. Sear in a preheated 450F/232C saute pan just long enough to create a caramel colored surface. The steak should not be in the pan for more than a minute or two, unless you want it more well done than the one pictured below.
Model #2 Pan Broiled Skirt Steak, Poached Egg, Purgecue Emulsion
Again, for this model, we did not remove the fat from the raw skirt steak. Even so, it is no longer visible on the meat, which we processed @ 127F/53Cx48 hours. This seems like an overly extensive period of time to some chefs, but I can tell you that the resulting texture really is fork tender. At the same time, there is still enough "bite" to satisfy the steak-knife-toting carnivores among of us.
Heat the Pan
This recipe calls for the use of a cast iron broiler pan with grates. These are fairly common, but a regular saute pan can be substituted, and a direct heat BBQ with grates is excellent. Again, make sure all the contact surfaces are extremely hot--at least 450F/232C As pictured, the steak should smoke when it comes in contact with the heated surface--adequate ventilation is highly recommended.
Poaching the egg
Set the steak aside on a cutting board. Eggs can be "poached" sous vide, but I still prefer the simple old fashioned method. "Poached Eggs" is actually a misnomer. For best results, the water should boil, and never stop. If this is done, a soft center poached egg will take 3.5 minutes. If you don't have a timer, it is still easy to tell: Once the water boils, stir it with a circular motion to make the water flow over the bottom of the pan. Add the egg, make sure it is fully submerged. Because of the acidity of the vinegar, the albumen egg white will coagulate almost immediately, enclosing and protecting the yolk. A few strands of the egg white will slowly stream around the egg, like those pinwheel galaxies you see in the astronomy shows. Avoid touching or stirring so as not to break the egg. After 3 minutes, you will be able to nudge the egg with a slotted spoon, and you will notice a firmness about it. Once the egg looks like it could be removed with a slotted spoon, it probably could be! Turn off the heat and take the pan off the burner. The egg can sit there for several minutes without overcooking.Plating
Cut the skirt steak into strips, and arrange in a pinwheel/nest shape, so the egg can be laid in the middle. Before plating the egg, drizzle the steak with the Purgecue emulsion described above. I like to drizzle with a little balsamic syrup, as well. Strictly a matter of taste! Lay the egg on top, and sprinkle with a little bit of the rub--that's what I did!

Model #3 Cold Seared Skirt Steak, Bruncheon Style.
Again, for this model, we did not remove the fat from the raw skirt steak. It is faintly visible on the meat after processing @ 127F/53Cx48 hours. After processing, the skirt steak is cold shocked in ice water to 70F/21C, and then refrigerated at 40F/4C overnight. Remove the skirt steak from the bag, and pat dry with a clean towel. If there is fat plainly visible, trim it off. Scorch the steak lightly with a torch, not enough to heat it, just enough to slightly sweat and darken the surface.