Sous Vide: Preparing a Whole Beef Brisket for Sous Vide Processing at 129 F/54 C.

No longer do we need to "cook it to death" when we embark on our journey to Beef Brisketville. Sous vide renders this tough cut tender.
Beef brisket, to one each, about 15 lb/7 Kg.
Kosher salt, 0.5 cups/110 ml.
Black pepper, 2 Tablespoons.
Paprika, 3 Tablespoons.
Garlic powder, 2 Tablespoons.
Fennel seeds, 1 Tablespoon.
Powdered egg white, as needed, or fresh, 3 each.
Vegetable oil, 0.5 cups/125 ml.
Parsley, fresh chopped, one bunch (or dry as needed).
Equipment requirements
Immersion circulator, portable or stationary.
Heat rated container, minimum of 2 gallons/8 liters.
Lipavi L20 rack or equivalent.
Heat rated sous vide bags.
Sharp boning knife.
Shaker or sifter.
Kitchen strainer or colander.
Microwaveable container (plastic).
Paper towels.
Probe thermometer.
Propane torch or oven salamander type browning element.
Cast iron broiler pan or thick bottomed skilled, approximately 12"/30 cm.
There is no easy way
A whole beef brisket is a cumbersome, awkward Lamborghini shaped slab of meat. It likes nothing more than to slither off the cutting board and park itself on the floor. You can't even pick it up with one hand, it's just too droopy. On the bright side, whole briskets can be had for about $3/lb. If you buy a piece out of the butcher's case, you will have to cough up more like $8/lb. Why? The fat and trim on a brisket can weigh almost as much as the meat itself. It is always better to leave fat on the meat than to leave meat on the fat. That is a difficult proposition when it comes to brisket. The meat is fatty, but the fat also seems kind of meaty. I grind this trim and slowly render all the fat out in a pan or oven. Once well drained, the end result is suitable for tacos or even the occasional Sloppy Joe. Who comes up with these names? A beef brisket CAN be processed whole, to accommodate large parties and back yard barbecues. For details on how to do this, click the link HERE. The great thing about reducing the size of the packages is pasteurization/preservation. As long as the seal is not broken, the pasteurized protein will benefit from a greatly extended shelf life in a 40 F/4 C refrigerator. Once the seal is broken, the product should be consumed within a week.Pick a cool and breezy day (just kidding)
The more room you have and the more organized you get, the easier the brisket is to break apart into manageable pieces. Pitmasters gasp at the prospect of cooking briskets any way other than whole. The science says it doesn't really matter except that cutting the brisket up increases the total surface area somewhat. Sure. Surface area affects moisture loss. Fortunately, the low temperatures used by sous vide reduce moisture loss to the absolute minimum. Any moisture released is trapped in the sealed pouch, and therefore easily retrieved and utilized. Once you wrestle the brisket out of the cryovac packaging, you will realize you should have put a towel or two down on the table in advance. A 15 lb/7 Kg piece of meat can have a significant amount of liquid in the bag. That's not blood, by the way. That is myoglobin dissolved in some water.Vampires will be disappointed
Myoglobin is an oxygen transporting protein that occurs in muscle, but not in veins or arteries. It is related to hemoglobin, which also carries oxygen and contributes to the red color of blood. Animals must be completely exsanguinated to meet USDA specifications, and for good reason. Blood is extremely perishable. If there is blood left after slaughter, the meat will spoil almost immediately. It's a good idea to put a couple of towels down on the largest, steadiest cutting board/table that you have at your disposal. If you use a pointed knife to poke a few holes in the underside of the bag, most of that stained water will drain out onto the towel. Then you cut the bag lengthwise, pull it out from under the meat, and drop it directly into the garbage can that you so cleverly placed right there at the end of the table. The towels may follow it, but they are ready for the laundry anyway, just retrieve them and move forward. Little things eliminate the need to use an excessive number of expletives. Again, I speak from experience.The ins and outs
The brisket consists of two muscles--the superficial pectoral ("point") and and the deep pectoral ("flat"). We all know what "pecs" are but you won't see any nipples on a brisket. Cows have udders, remember? They're a little farther back. Steers don't have udders, but I'm sure you get my point. The right end of the brisket in the picture below is where the point muscle connects to the "chuck," which is the generic name for the shoulder and neck region of a steer/heifer.
Bovine, porcine, ovine (lamb) and even human anatomy are almost exactly the same. However, you will never hear a human pectoral region called a "brisket," and you will never hear a pork shoulder called a "chuck." A beef "butt" is a roast from the rear end of the animal. A pork butt is from the FRONT end of the pig. Go figure. There must be someone to blame for the fact that the common name for a muscle on a pig is different than the common name for the same muscle on a cow. Somebody may even be trying to confuse us, but butchers are just using terminology that they inherited. When you flip the brisket over, you will see that the flat muscle runs almost the full length of the cut. The coarse grain runs at a downward angle from the left to right. This is almost perpendicular to the grain of the point muscle. Carving a whole brisket is problematic because of this. Unless you hit those angles just right, slices from the adjacent muscles will have a layer of meat sliced properly against the grain, a large layer of fat, and then a layer of meat that will have been sliced improperly, WITH the grain. We will discuss this in greater detail in Part Two of the brisket tutorial series, linked HERE.

The under/over
There is no exact moment before which the meat is under-cooked and after which the meat is ruined mush. Tenderness occurs on a gradual curve. Using the lower range of temperatures, 129 F-140 F, sous vide enlarges the tenderness window. Once the meat achieves the desired texture, another 12 hours in the bath at will not have a noticeable effect. If you lower the temperature in the bath to 125 F/52 C after achieving the desired level of tenderness, the meat can be safely held even longer. As the temperature applied increases, the tenderness window slowly shrinks. I never recommend processing anything under 125 F/52 C for purposes of safety, but that leaves a lot of room before you achieve the boiling point of water, 212 F/100 C. I NEVER use temperatures above 165 F/74 C for meat, and rarely higher than 140 F/60 C.The season after--keeping it simple
Now that the brisket has been tenderized and pasteurized, you have a choice. The brisket can be served immediately. It can also be cold shocked in iced water to 70 F/21 C and then refrigerated until you are ready to use it. As long as the seal on the package is not broken, the brisket can be safely kept for an extended period of time, much like an unopened carton of pasteurized milk. However... We implemented the lower range of temperatures in processing this brisket, but it is inevitable that the brisket will lose the pink color if we chill and refrigerate it. For this demonstration, we will take advantage of the color that we worked so hard to achieve. Should you decide to cold shock some or all, sear the chilled brisket in a cast iron grill pan or thick bottomed skillet until it achieves an internal temperature of 125 F/53 C.Create crust. Serve
Remove one of the packages of brisket from the bath. Cut open a corner of the bag and drain the juices into a microwaveable container. Line a strainer with a paper towel and moisten with the spray bottle of water--this prevents the juices from clinging to the filter. Put the strainer on top of an appropriate container to catch the filtered jus. Process the juices in a microwave oven for one minute (or bring to a boil on the stove), and strain through the moistened paper towel. Season with a pinch of kosher salt to taste. Set aside.

Norm King
So many options--so little time!