Sous-Vide: Mille-Feuilles Potatoes, Method #2

Sous vide vacuum processing makes this elaborate preparation much simpler than the traditional method.
Potatoes, Russet, large, 3 ea.
Cream, whipping, 8 oz./240 ml.
Flour 1/2 cup/75 g.
Eggs, one each, beaten.
Kosher salt, 2 teaspoons, to taste.
Vegetable oil for frying, as needed.
Equipment requirements
Immersion circulator, portable or stationary.
Heat rated container, minimum of 2 gallons/8 liters.
Heat rated sous vide bags/Ziploc freezer bags.
Channel or chamber vacuum device--unnecessary if you use Ziploc freezer bags.
Paring knife, slicing knife, Swiss peeler, and/or mandolin.
Non-stick skillet.
Serves 6-8 Level of difficulty 3.0

Seal the potatoes in a vacuum bag or Ziploc Freezer bag. Process sous vide at 183 F/84 C X 1 hour.