Sous Vide: Bacon Wrapped Short Ribs, Mashed Potatoes, Rich Brown Gravy

Mixing, matching, combining, and syzigizing multiple utilizations of sous vide.
Beef Short Ribs, full length, 1 rack (four ribs)--approximately 3 lbs/1.75 Kg.
Bacon, 8 slices.
Artichoke, fresh, 1 each.
Lemon juice, 1 oz/30 ml.
Russet potato, 1 each.
2 oz./50 g butter.
2 oz./60 ml heavy cream.
S+P to taste.
Carrots, 2 each.
Celery stalks, 3 each.
Onions, 1 each.
Tomato sauce, canned, 6 oz./175 g.
Vegetable oil, as needed.
Flour, as needed--approximately 2 oz./55 g.
Equipment requirements
Immersion circulator, portable or stationary.
Heat rated container, minimum of 2 gallons/8 liters.
Heat rated sous vide bags.
Flat bottomed skillet, approximately 12″/30 cm. and 3″/90 mm deep.
Kitchenaid type mixer with paddle.
Wooden spoon.
Wire whisk.
Infrared or probe thermometer.
Level of difficulty: 3.25 Serves four
Cut the short ribs apart and bag individually. Process via sous vide at 140 F/60 C for 72 hours. Shock cold in iced water to 70 F/21 C and store in a refrigerator at 40 F/4 C until needed--up to one week. Do not break the seal until day of service.Day of service
Prepare the artichoke Preheat the sous vide bath to 183 F/84 C Cut the upper half of the artichoke off. Put the artichoke in a Ziploc gallon freezer bag and add the lemon juice and 2 cups/400 ml water to make the bag sink in the bath. Hang the opening of the bag over the edge of the sous vide container and hold in place with the lid to prevent the water in the bag from merging with the water in the bath. Process the artichoke for 3 hours. While the artichoke cooks, make the mashed potatoes: