Sous Vide: Corned Beef and Cabbage, 2021

When people say corned beef, the phrase "with cabbage" is almost always attached to it. If you don't like cabbage, you still have options!
Cured (corned) beef brisket, anywhere from 2 lbs/1 Kg to whole: approximately 15 lb/6.8 Kg.
Carrots, 0.5 per person served.
Celery, 0.5 stalks per person served, or celery hearts.
Potatoes, Russet or red, 3 oz/90 g per person served.
Cabbage, 6 oz/175 g per person served--approximately 1/6 head.
Butter, 1 oz/30 g per person served, melted at service.
Parsley, chopped, 1 teaspoon per person served.
Horseradish, prepared, 1 oz/30 g per person served.
Equipment requirements
Immersion circulator, portable or stationary.
Heat rated container, minimum of 5 gallons/19 liters.
Heat rated sous vide bags.
Channel or chamber vacuum device.
Ziploc gallon freezer bags.
Vegetable peeler.
Manual or mechanical slicer.
Serves 2-3/lb or 4-6/Kg. Level of difficulty 2.75
Utilizing an entire corned brisket:
Some savings can be realized if you opt to buy an entire corned brisket at one of the big box stores. Usually around 15 lb./7 Kg, if you divide the cut into several packages you will have just about enough to meet your needs over an extended period of time. Sous vide processed, still sealed in the pouch and properly chilled, the corned beef will keep refrigerated for at least two weeks. Frozen, it will keep indefinitely. I usually turn some into pastrami, linked HERE.

Preparing the vegetables:

Processing the corned beef
Preheat the sous vide bath to 140 F/60 C Stage the corned beef into heat rated vacuum bags. The size of the roast has very little effect on sous vide processing time intervals. However, a full sized brisket may not fit in a standard sized bag without being cut in smaller pieces. I recommend processing pieces approximately 3 lb./1.75 Kg for several reasons. Smaller pieces are easier to handle, easier to shock cold and easier to store. Remember--as long as the seal is not broken on a properly processed and chilled protein, it will keep refrigerated for at least two weeks. Once the seal is broken, food safety guidelines suggest that it be consumed within four days.Going big?

Anticipating the holiday
Once you have loaded the corned beef into the appropriate pouch, stage the sealed roast into the 140F/60C sous vide bath. Set the timer for 48 hours--but do not depend on a clock to measure tenderness. The corned beef may take as long as 72 hours, depending on the characteristics of the individual animal. More on that in a moment. If you are planning on serving corned beef on St. Patrick's day, you should start it no later than the evening of March 14th. Sous vide should never be rushed any more than a barbecue should be rushed. There is a reason that the temperatures used are lower than conventional methods. The higher the temperature used, the greater amount of moisture is released from the meat and the more overall damage to the protein matrix occurs. However, if you have no other choice, the corned beef can be sous vide processed at 165 F/74 C for approximately 24 hours with acceptable results--you will notice that there is a lot more liquid in the bag at the end of the process..Pinching goes with St. Patrick's day
Rather than pinching people who are not wearing green, you should use the pinch/poke method linked HERE to determine if your corned beef is properly tenderized. Sous vide is very forgiving and there is no precise "moment" before which the roast is under-cooked or after which it is ruined. Sous vide intervals are always open to a certain amount of interpretation and preference. Temperatures should always be used with attention to precision. Once you have determined that your corned beef is appropriately tender, reduce the temperature in the bath to 129 F/54 C. This will stop the tenderization process. Conversion of collagen to gelatin is the difference between tough and tender, and this conversion does not occur in significant amounts below this temperature. At this temperature, the corned beef can be kept hot safely in the bath for 24 hours or even longer. Its quality will not deteriorate. How can this be? The corned beef is pasteurized, so any bacteria present have been disabled, and meat will not autolyze ("spoil") at this temperature. Most sous vide operations include a finishing step that involves searing or smoking the otherwise finished product. Because of the rustic traditional presentation, corned beef is one of very few sous vide items that I recommend to serve "right out of the bag." If your corned beef is ready and you intend to serve immediately, skip the Preservation step and proceed to "Service."*Preservation:
When the processing time has elapsed, shock the packaged roast(s) in iced water until they achieve 70 F/21 C. This is a very important safety procedure for roasts of this size--whether you are processing sous vide or not. A roast (or a turkey) of this size should NEVER be cooled at room temperature--it just takes too long to meet established safety guidelines. How can you tell when the internal temperature of a large roast--or even a small one--has achieved 70 F/21 C? That is an excellent question. Be cool, Man The packaged roast is first submerged in a container of iced water that is at least twice the volume of the roast. Without explaining the details of how this is calculated, consider that meat is almost the same density as water. In this case, we use a vessel or sink that can hold at least 3 gallons/12 liters of cold water. One way to do this is by siphoning the water out of the sous vide bath and replacing it with iced water from the tap. The ability to do this depends on the logistics of your station/kitchen. Then what? Regardless of its size, submerge the roast in the filled vessel/sink. Wait until the ice has all melted. The temperature of the water will be approximately 70 F/21 C. Return in 15 minutes and use a probe or infrared thermometer to measure the temperature of the water. If it is above 70 F/21 C, then the roast is not completely chilled. Drain the vessel/sink, refill with cold tap water and come back in 15 minutes. Repeat this process until the water steadies at 70 F/21 C. Then you will know that it is safe to refrigerate the roast at 40 F/4 C.Service*
Cut the corner of the bag of stock and strain into a sauce pot. There may be a few pebbles of spice in the stock--that's okay. Discard the bag with the vegetable trim in it. This is the easy, no mess method.