Sous Vide Artichokes Saute, Crusty Rub #1, Aioli

An exciting departure for the most popular of edible thistles.
Egg whites, 1 ea. (save the yolk for the aioli).
Rub#1. one recipe.
Vegetable oil, as needed.
Egg yolk, one each.
Garlic cloves, 1 oz.30 g.
Dijon Mustard, 1Tablespoon/20 g.
Lemon Juice, 1 oz./30 ml.
Extra virgin olive oil, 1 cup/ 240 ml.
S+P, to taste.
Process artichokes via sous vide @ 183F/84Cx4 hours. Artichokes are determined to float, which interferes with sous vide processing. If sealed using a chamber vacuum they can be weighted and held under water by using a Lipavi Rack (see below).

Make the Aioli:
In a measuring cup or similarly shaped vessel, put the egg yolk, olive oil, garlic, mustard, S+P and the juice of one lemon. Make sure the vessel is tall and narrow so that the stick blender fits snugly in the bottom. Begin pulsing the stick blender, and you will see the olive oil being pulled into the mixture below. Do not lift the blender up at this time. Continue pulsing the emulsion until most or all of the olive oil has been incorporated. If there is still a little on top, use a spoon to stir it in. Lifting the blender prematurely can break the emulsion. This means you have to wait a while and start over!