Sous Vide: Classic Velouté Sauce

Veloute is no longer in as widespread use as it was decades ago. Modern chefs have moved away somewhat from starch thickened sauces, opting for lighter and sparser fare. In spite of this, understanding the mechanics of the classic thickened bouillon is essential for anyone interested in sauce making in general.
Flour, 2 oz./60 g
Bouillon, COLD, 2 cups/480 ml.
Butter, 2 Tablespoons/30 g.
Salt and pepper to taste.
Cream, 2 oz./50 ml.
Equipment requirements
Immersion circulator, portable or stationary.
Heat rated container, minimum of 2 gallons/8 liters.
Heat rated sous vide bags, 2 each.
Flour shaker or fine meshed strainer.
Wire Whisk
Kitchen tongs, metal.
Infrared or probe thermometer.
Level of difficulty: 3
Put 1/3 of the bouillon, the butter, and the flour in a blender. Do not overmix. You can also mix by hand using a whip or a wooden spoon. This should form a very light paste. Add the remaining bouillon, and pulse for only one second. Over mixing can damage the flour granules.