Poultry Recipes
36 recipes

Sous-B-Q: Smoked Chicken Thighs and Legs
Sous vide gives us one more reason to take advantage of competitive pricing on the alternative to breasts and wings.

Buttermilk Fried Chicken Wings
The combined flavors of chicken and buttermilk evoke fond memories. The introduction of sous vide processing makes things easier than ever.

Sous Vide: Seasoning Proteins Effectively
This method facilitates application of a rub/crust/flavoring to sous vide processed proteins.

Sous Vide: Air-Roasted Chicken Breast (skin-on)
How can something so simple be so good? Sous vide adds an extra layer of safety to fresh chicken while preserving natural moisture.

Sous Vide: "Air-Fried" Chicken Dark Meat
You don't need an air fryer to achieve air fryer results! More a method than a device, air circulation around an oiled surface is the key!

Sous Vide: Party (Chicken) Wings, Un-Fried!
Deep frying at home can be daunting, messy and wasteful. This alternative method liberates the enthusiast while satisfying the cravings.